Myopia Consensus Statement
Prevalence: Myopia, commonly called near-sightedness, is the most common human eye disorder in the world, affecting 85% to 90% of young adults in some Asian countries such as Singapore and Taiwan, and between 25% and 50% of older adults in the United States...
It is extremely important to follow these instructions to achieve your best result following the crosslinking procedure.
Eye Drops: Ensure you wash your hands prior to installing your eye drops. When applying drops, make sure the nozzle of the bottle does not touch your eyes. Your...
The eye(s) will be bloodshot and red following surgery. Some blood may be seen in tears or on the eyelashes for several days. This is expected. If the residue crusts on the lashes, use a clean facecloth, moistened in cool boiled water, to wipe...
The eye(s) will be bloodshot, and you may notice bright red blood covering the white of the eye. Some blood may be seen in tears or on the eyelashes for several days. This is expected. If the residue crusts on the lashes, use a...
1. Starting the day of surgery the following drops are to be used:
(a) Pred Forte 1% four times per day
(b) Exocin four times per day
Wash your hands before instilling eye drops.
Leave five minutes between inserting different eye drops.
2. Ocular protection: You must wear the eye...
Your child has undergone probing of the nasolacrimal system. This procedure is not painful and symptoms of tearing and discharge usually resolve in the first few days after surgery. It is common for there to be some minor nasal bleeding following this surgery. This...
You will have an appointment in the early post-operative period. At that time, your vision will be checked. Vision is always blurry for up to several days after PRK/LASEK surgery; so do not be discouraged if your vision is not clear
You can expect mild postoperative...
Once at home you should take a nap. You will also be asked to put in drops. The eye shield should remain in place until the next morning. On the evening of the surgery, you can lift off the eye shields in order to give...